Sustainable Water Management International SWMI
Sustainable Water Management International SWMI Sustainable Water Management International SWMI
Efficient water and waste water services are the key to a sustainable economic and social development.
Efficient - that means sustainable and profitable - water and waste water infrastructure and services have been significant for human civilizations for thousands of years.
Nevertheless in real life practice they are considered  more likely a social burden than an active design element for a sustainable socioeconomic development.
Conveyance losses in the water and waste water networks frequently ascend to 40% or more all around the world, the efficiency of drinking water production and purification as well as waste water treatment often is continuously declining despite excessively increasing investments.
Efficient infrastructure management - A Utopia?

Especially where securing water and waste water services meets difficult economic conditions and most of  the population doesn’t have the financial resources to cover the costs of an efficient service, municipalities and governments had no choice but to renounce from a modern and efficient infrastructure and therefore accept limited development potentials. ,


The SWMI Management Concept is  the very precise answer to that situation!
SWMI assumes the ownership and long-term responsibility for the water infrastructure transforming it on a mid-term into profitable and sustainable units.
Unlike common public-private-partnership concepts SWMI doesn’t gain influence on the pricing system that remains completely to the public authorities.
In cooperation with the public-sector bodies SWMI elaborates a long-term management concept under the premise,
  • to hold the public expenses for water and waste water services stable,
  • to achieve and further guarantee secure services and
  • to increase the regional attractiveness and quality of life.

The modernization, maintenance and expansion of the infrastructure will build the fundament of a foresighted socioeconomic  development. Instead of simply reacting to social, economic and ecologic challenges like migration, globalization, scarcity of resources or ecocide, highest quality and efficiency will turn the water sector into an engine of a sustainable, that means profitable, socially and environmentally responsible, development at municipal, regional and national level for the benefit of state, water consumers, environment, society and investors.

There is no alternative to effective and sustainable water and waste water services.
It is an intergenerational commitment.

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